
Many people have a hard time tolerating cold weather. Dental health can also be affected, as colder temperatures are known to increase the sensitivity of teeth. The following explains why this phenomenon occurs and what you can do to reduce pain and discomfort. While some sensitivity is common during winter, be sure to have sudden tooth pain assessed by a dentist

The Impact of Cold Weather on Your Teeth 

Changes in temperature cause expansion and contraction within your body. This is even true of your teeth, which will contract when it’s cold and expand again once you’re back in the warmth of your home. Expanding and contracting can cause small fissures to form on tooth enamel, which increases sensitivity. 

Your teeth are made up of a few different layers, with enamel being the outermost layer. As enamel is worn away, the underlying dentin becomes exposed. Dentin is much more sensitive, and people with exposed dentin often experience pain and discomfort when drinking hot and cold foods. 

What You Can Do to Reduce Discomfort During Winter

dentistDesensitizing toothpaste can safeguard your teeth from harsh winter weather. Desensitizing toothpaste contains certain ingredients, such as potassium nitrate, which prevents pain signals from being transmitted from your nerves to your brain. You can also take steps to stop your tooth enamel from wearing down. 

Along with daily brushing and flossing, limit your intake of citrus fruits and juices. The high acid content in oranges and lemons also weaken tooth enamel to increase sensitivity. If you grind your teeth, talk to your dentist about getting a specially made mouthguard, which will prevent further damage from occurring.


Do you commonly struggle with tooth sensitivity this time of year? If so, Dr. Mike Olsen and the rest of the team at Dental Clinic of Onalaska can help you find a reliable solution. Along with essential services like teeth cleanings and exams, they also provide dental sealants, which shore up minute cracks in your enamel. Other services include fillings, root canals, dental implants, and cosmetic treatments to improve the look of your smile. Schedule an appointment with a dentist today by calling (608) 783-3341. You can also learn more about the full listing of services online
