
When job seekers are scrolling through job listings, there are certain cues they tend to look for that makes the best companies stand out. Having a sense of what those signals are will help your company position itself to attract better candidates for open positions. Here’s a guide to what job seekers are searching for. 

What Do Job Seekers Want?

1. Possibilities of Advancement

As they read through job listings, applicants are often looking for jobs that provide opportunities for advancement. Typically, job seekers are hoping for more than just a job — they would like a career, with a defined track for advancement from the current position. It also may mean offering on-the-job training that can help cultivate additional skills. 

2. Solid Benefits

job listingsAnother key attribute that job seekers want to see is a high-quality benefits package. Applicants want to know that their health needs will be taken care of and that they’ll have enough time off during the year. Without that security, it will be hard for applicants to take the job no matter how otherwise alluring it may be. 

3. Appealing Office Culture

Finally, you want to showcase your company’s culture. The best applicants don’t want to work just anywhere — they want to align themselves with a company that shares their values. As such, you should highlight your company’s principles. If your organization is all about teamwork, for example, it’s worth stating so you can attract collaboration-oriented workers. 


If you’re trying to improve your talent acquisition, get in touch with a respected job agency like Work USA Inc. in Lincoln, NE. Founded in 1999, the locally owned and operated company will help you target the most coveted candidates and perfect your job listing posts. To schedule a consultation, call (402) 474-9675, and learn more about the company by visiting their website
