
Attending a community college allows you and thousands of fellow students to gain valuable professional experience to advance your career or to transfer to a four-year school. With so many students gathered in close quarters and classrooms, it’s easy to get sick. The following tips will help you stay healthy and avoid infection.

5 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick in College

1. Get Plenty of Sleep

Research has shown that a lack of sleep has a negative effect on the immune system and leaves you more susceptible to colds and the flu. While it can be challenging to find the time between community college classes, work, activities, and friends, getting enough sleep is critical for a healthy body and mind. Adults should get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

2. Disinfect at the Gym

Many people still work out when experiencing cold symptoms. If you work out at your college gym, keep in mind that students might not be properly sanitizing the machines after using them. Bring a disinfectant spray and towel to wipe down equipment before and after use.

3. Drink & Eat Healthy

community collegeAvoid the stereotypical college diet of pizza, energy drinks, coffee, and ramen, and make sure you’re eating a balanced diet. Too many sugars, fats and carbohydrates can leave you feeling groggy and not well. Instead, boost your immune system with proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

4. Avoid Sharing

The contact may seem brief and inconsequential, but sharing cups, utensils and bottles is an easy way to contract germs. It’s also one of the ways mononucleosis, a common virus among college students, is spread. Don’t share foods and beverages with others unless you know they’re healthy.

5. Keep Your Hands Clean

Many college students catch colds and viruses from contacting objects touched by other sick students, such as handrails or keyboards. Avoid touching your face after using equipment others have handled, carry a hand sanitizer with you, and wash your hands often.


Now that you’re ready to navigate student life with healthy habits, apply to Southeast Community College. With campuses in Beatrice, Lincoln and Milford, Nebraska, SCC offers an exceptional education and hands-on experience to prepare you for your career. SCC also has a transfer program. Whether you’re working toward a four-year degree or an associate degree, you can choose from more than 50 programs covering a wide variety of fields. Browse their available programs online. To meet with an admissions officer, call 402-228-8214 for the Beatrice Campus, 402-437-2600 for Lincoln, or 402-761-8243 for Milford.
