
Apart from switches, lights, and sockets, most of a home’s electrical system remains out of sight. As a result, it can be hard to tell if there’s an issue that requires the help of a qualified electrician. Fortunately, common problems usually produce signs that are easy to recognize. To help you minimize the risk of electrical hazards and keep your home connected to a reliable source of power, here are five warning signs that you need electrical repairs.

5 Signs You Should Call an Electrician

1. Problematic Lights

Every so often, a light may flicker or dim because the bulb needs to be replaced. But if this problem continues with a new bulb or affects multiple lights, lousy wiring is likely to blame. An electrician can locate the problem and install or initiate the electrical repairs needed to keep your home illuminated without worry.

2. Unusual Smells or Sounds

Faulty electrical components can create a buzzing, vibrating, or cracking sound that can be heard near the outlets or within the walls. If the system is overheated, you might also smell a smoldering or smoky odor that is hard to detect. Since these problems can indicate the risk of an electrical fire, it’s critical to call a professional for prompt repairs.

3. Overheated Outlets

electrical repairIf a wall outlet is warm to the touch when you unplug a cord, it may be generating too much heat. Aside from the fire risk, overheated outlets may also have smoke stains depending on how high the temperature is. Ask an electrician if upgrading the wiring or power output capabilities can resolve the problem and restore your home’s safety.

4. Frequent Power Surges

Using too many appliances at once can exceed the system’s electrical load capacity, causing the circuit breaker to trip. While power surges are likely to happen occasionally, regular outages require professional support. Typically, this problem can be fixed by upgrading the home’s total power capacity or repairing weak connection points in the wiring that are causing the short.

5. Shocks

While you might experience a static shock after shuffling across the carpet and touching a doorknob, you shouldn’t feel this sensation when handling appliances. Recurring electrical shocks are often a sign that a new ground-fault circuit interrupter needs to be installed or that faulty wiring needs replacing.


Whether you’re frustrated with flickering lights or worried about a smoky smell, Gutridge Electrical can help with all your electrical repair needs. Serving the Licking County, OH, area for nearly 40 years, these experienced electricians perform everything from routine inspections to equipment upgrades. Visit this contractor online to learn more about their services or call (740) 349-7624 to request an appointment.
