
It can be stressful for your cat or dog to be lost—and even more so for you as a pet owner. That’s why so many people seek out microchipping services for their dogs and cats. This ensures that you have a clear plan of action if they go missing, so you can retrieve them from a local animal shelter once they’ve been found. 

4 FAQ About Pet Microchipping 

How large are microchips?

The microchips implanted into pets are extremely small. The microchip itself is surrounded by a glass cylinder that is about the size of a grain of rice. When scanned, the microchip provides an ID number, which identifies the pet’s owners. Some chips also link to a database, which may include medical information about the pet as well. 

Is the process painful for pets?

MicrochippingBecause chips are so small, they can easily be implanted using a syringe. This limits the discomfort a pet feels during the process. It also means that it’s not necessary to anesthetize a pet before implantation, which lowers the risk of complications. 

If my pet has a microchip, do they still need ID tags?

Veterinarians recommend that pets continue to wear ID tags, even after being microchipped. Tags also contain information about rabies, so pet owners are encouraged to have their animals microchipped along with having them wear tags. 

Is microchipping effective?

Statistics show that microchipping is extremely effective when it comes to getting lost pets home to their families. According to one study, 52% of dogs who are microchipped and become lost are returned to their families. Conversely, only 22% of lost dogs who are not microchipped make it back home. When it comes to cats, 38% of microchipped pets are returned to owners, while less than 2% of un-microchipped cats are ever returned.


Have you ever wished that a veterinarian could visit your home to take care of microchipping or other pet care needs? In Denver, CO, Dr. Robin's Housecall Veterinary Services does just that to ensure your beloved pets are well cared for. Mobile vet services are ideal for pet owners with busy lifestyles, older pets, or households with multiple pets. Services include examinations, vaccinations, diagnostic testing, de-worming, and microchipping. Visit them online for more information on services, or call (970) 217-1260 to schedule a visit today. 
