
Black mold exposure is no small matter. Even if you're aware of its dangers, it may be difficult to know how and where the mold can form in your home. For over 35 years, the knowledgeable experts at Big Mountain Insulators, Inc. have been helping customers with everything from insulation to mold remediation.

Thanks to their many years of experience, they are fully aware of the significant black mold risk factors that could be present in your home. In order to keep you safe, they have provided the following list of black mold risk factors:

  • Humidity: A combination of heat and moisture can spark the production of black mold. Specifically, a humidity level of 55% or above creates a hotbed for black mold. No matter the contributing factors, humidity can often be controlled with proper ventilation.
  • Wet Clothing: Clothing that is allowed to sit for periods of time while damp can provide the perfect conditions for mold. In less than a day, wet clothes can become a home for black mold. Use a dryer for wet garments instead of an indoor clothing line.
  • Damp Basements: The basement is the room most likely to hold in humidity because there are limited ways for moisture to escape. A basement can also become damp because any flooding from upstairs rooms is bound to accumulate in the lowest point of the house. Black mold development is especially dangerous in this location because of the many factors that can accelerate its growth but also because of the nooks and crannies where mold can hide.

Located in Whitefish, MT, Big Mountain Insulators, Inc. wants to be your go-to source for mold removal, radon mitigation and metal roof restoration. For more information about their services, visit their website or call (406) 862-5446 to schedule an appointment today.
