
If you have headaches 15 days or more a month for longer than three months, then you have chronic headaches. As you work with your chiropractor to treat the cause behind the headaches, you should also avoid the following common triggers. This can help reduce the chances of getting a headache or reduce the severity.

A Guide to Common Chronic Headache Triggers

1. Skip Meals

Low blood sugar levels often cause headaches. Never skip a meal; it’s no cliche that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you don’t like eating breakfast, drink a tall glass of water and try to eat something small, like toast or a piece of fruit. Keep a snack with you throughout the day so you can eat immediately if you feel a headache coming on.

2. Depend on Pain Medication

Avoid taking headache medications more than twice a week. As your body becomes accustomed to them, it can make your headaches come more often and with more intensity. If you feel that you have a reliance on the medication, talk with your doctor about how to wean yourself off.

3. Become Dehydrated

chiropractorPeople who suffer from migraines or other headaches are often dehydrated. Never go more than two hours without a glass of water. Most people need a half a gallon, or eight eight-ounce glasses of water, per day. Drink more if you’re sweating or exercising.

4. Drink Caffeine

A reliance on caffeine can aggravate headaches. Minimize the amount of caffeine in your diet; try to get down to one cup of coffee or tea per day. If possible, avoid it altogether.


Chiropractic care can treat the cause behind your headaches naturally. The chiropractor at Eastern Hills Chiropractic in Cincinnati, OH, has been providing effective treatment since 1988. The practice’s comprehensive approach will supplement your treatment with massage therapy and nutrition consultations for optimal results. Learn more about their techniques online, and call (513) 528-2200 to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor.
