
A scrap yard is a place to go where you can sell or recycle scrap metal. They are an important asset in the recycling chain and an excellent option for those who have metal items they no longer need or can use. Here’s what you need to know about scrap yards before you go.

Guide to Using a Scrap Yard

How Do They Work?

Scrap yards recycle millions of dollars worth of metals every year. Selected metals are sorted and then sold to metal refineries to be reused in new products. Wires, cars, and appliances are just some of the common sources of scrap metal, although industrial clients may receive bulk materials from construction and manufacturing. Most scrap yards will work with both average and industrial consumers. Metals tend to be purchased at a per pound rate.

What to Know Before You Goscrap-yard

If you have metals to recycle, there are some things to do to prep for a successful visit. First, sort the metals. Some yards may help you do this, while others won’t, so check with your facility. Find out about which metals they take and their uploading policies, and when they are open to receive goods. Bring your ID on the day of the drop-off. When you arrive at the scrap yard, sorted piles of metals will be weighed, and you will receive payment on the market per pound rate for what you have brought in.


For clean, safe, and customer-friendly metal recycling in Cincinnati, OH, choose Byer Steel. Since 1937, this facility has served the greater Cincinnati area with scrap metal recycling services. Whether you are a consumer looking to sell a small amount of metal, or an industrial machine shop, Byer Steel can serve you. Call (513) 948-0300 to learn more about their process or visit the website to see hours, highly desired metals, and more.
