
For many businesses, lighting bills are significant enough to have a real impact on their bottom line. If you are struggling to pay your company's utility bills, consider a commercial lighting retrofit. This is a simple upgrade that replaces your office’s system components with more efficient alternatives. Below are some key reasons to undertake this project. 

3 Reasons to Schedule a Commercial Lighting Retrofit

1. Cost Savings

On average, it takes about two years to recoup the cost of a retrofit through reduced utility bills. Results vary based on your facility size, your monthly usage, and the cost of electricity in your area. Nevertheless, once you've recouped the outlay, you will enjoy lower monthly costs for the life of the system. This could benefit your company for years. 

2. Workplace Productivity

commercial lighting Another benefit of improved lighting is that it boosts worker safety, mental health, and productivity. Employees who work in conditions with poor lighting tend to have more accidents and suffer more injuries, thereby missing work and affecting productivity. Great lighting also improves their mood and mental well-being. You benefit by having happier, more productive employees, fewer accidents, and lower insurance bills. 

3. Carbon Footprint

It takes more than 700 pounds of coal burnt at the local power plant to operate a 100-watt light bulb 24-hours a day for a year. Anything you can do to reduce this amount lowers your company's environmental impact. For instance, simply replacing the bulb with an LED light of equivalent brightness, or 13 watts, lets you drop the energy usage by 87%. Making this change facility-wide will have a profound effect on your business's carbon footprint and will benefit your public relations efforts.

To schedule a commercial lighting retrofit, contact J.R. Electrical, an experienced electrical contractor in Marietta, GA. Cobb County clients rank them highly for reliability and safety. They specialize in electrical wiring and installation, commercial electrical repair, LED installation, and electrical inspections. Call them at (770) 420-1530 to arrange a consultation or connect with them online at their website.
