
Your logo represents your business’s brand image. It will be on all your business materials and flyers, will represent who you are, and is what will come to mind when people think of your business. As a result, designing a strong logo should be a top priority for increasing your brand awareness. Below, learn how to design a logo that will serve as an effective symbol for your brand.

What Are the Qualities of an Effective Logo?

A great logo is simple and memorable. It shouldn’t be so complex that people can’t understand what it is or remember what it looks like. If your customers can draw your logo from memory or see it on flyers and instantly know that it’s yours, then you’ve done well. The design should be relevant to your business and your target market. It should also be timeless rather than trendy. You don’t want to look at your logo in a few years to see that it dates you.

Consider the Nike logo, for example, which represents an athletic clothing brand. The shape is derived from the wing of the Greek goddess Nike, who is the goddess of victory. The name of the shape, the swoosh, symbolizes the sound something makes as it moves past you with speed and power. It’s simple, relevant, instantly recognizable, and timeless. It looks great on flyers, clothing, and accessories. 

Your design doesn’t have to be exactly on the nose. If you own a coffee shop, the logo doesn’t have to be a cup of hot coffee. You can choose a symbol that is relevant to your brand’s history and can be related to your services. 

How Can You Design a Logo That Prints Well?

flyersYour logo needs to be versatile in all media applications. This is why a graphic design professional should design your logo in vector format, so it will scale to any size for either print or web use. Your logo should still be attractive if it is printed only in one color or in reverse colors, such as light on a dark background rather than dark on a light background. It should also still be attractive and recognizable, whether it’s printed the size of a postage stamp or large across the side of a semi-truck. Make sure that if it has an intricate design, it can still be seen on a smaller scale. Successful logos that print well usually include one to two colors and sharp and bold lines. 


Once you’ve designed your logo, the digital printing team at Image Square Print & Graphics will help it look its best. This print shop in Santa Monica, CA, designs and prints a full range of advertising materials, from flyers to banners. They use the latest technology in the field for fantastic finished products. See their full list of products online and call (310) 586-2333 for a project estimate.
