
While most people occasionally experience digestive discomfort, it’s important to note when your symptoms indicate a more serious condition. If you experience frequent or severe symptoms, see a gastroenterologist. Depending on your specific digestive issue, they may screen you for one or more of the following common conditions. 

What to Know About Common Digestive Conditions


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a condition in which stomach acid backs up into your esophagus. This occurs because when the muscle ring between the stomach and esophagus weakens or relaxes. Symptoms of this condition include heartburn, nausea, chest pain, upper abdominal pain, bad breath, and tooth erosion. Your gastroenterologist may recommend dietary changes and antacids to ease these symptoms. However, more severe cases may require prescription medication or surgery.

2. Ulcerative Colitis 

gastroenterologistThis condition is a type of inflammatory bowel disease which causes ulcers and severe inflammation in the large intestine. Symptoms include abdominal cramping, weight loss, fatigue, frequent bowel movements, painful bowel movements, and bloody stool. While there is no cure for ulcerative colitis, your doctor can help you eliminate foods that trigger inflammation. They may also prescribe medications to control symptoms. Severe cases may require removal of the colon.

3. Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which the ingestion of gluten causes damage to the small intestine. Gluten is a group of proteins found in wheat, rye, and barley. Symptoms of celiac disease include bloating, abdominal pain, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. Untreated celiac disease can cause issues like anemia and low bone density. The only way to treat the symptoms of celiac disease is to avoid foods that contain gluten. Your gastroenterologist can provide a list of foods that you should cut out of your diet. 

4. Peptic Ulcers

This gastrointestinal condition involves open sores on the inside of the stomach (gastric ulcers) and upper small intestine (duodenal ulcers). These ulcers are often caused by a bacterial infection and irritated by substances like spicy foods. Frequent use of over-the-counter pain relievers can also cause peptic ulcers. Common symptoms include stomach pain, burning sensations, heartburn, bloating, nausea, and frequent feelings of fullness. Your gastroenterologist may treat peptic ulcers with antibiotics, acid-reducing medications, or antacids. 



If you’re experiencing any type of digestive discomfort, the gastroenterologists at Naugatuck Valley Gastroenterology Consultants can help diagnose and treat your condition. Located in Prospect, CT, this team of professionals provides a range of medical services, including endoscopies, colonoscopies, cancer screenings, and gallstone extractions. Whether you’re managing a chronic illness or seeking diagnosis for your symptoms, this team will create a treatment plan specific to your needs. Visit them online to view a full list of their services or call (203) 756-6422 to make an appointment. 
