
If you use propane gas products at home, it’s necessary to know how to store your tanks properly. Even a seemingly empty tank can pose a hazard if not stored safely. Use these tips for safe storage of full or empty tanks.

How to Store Your Propane Gas Products Safely

1. Never Store the Tank Indoors

Propane gas products should never be stored indoors, especially inside your home or other living quarters. Even if you turn the valve off, the tank may release small amounts of the gas. Keeping a tank indoors also creates an unnecessary fire risk. Store them on level ground in an outside area.

2. Store Tanks in a Cool Area

When you receive a propane delivery, be sure the delivery personnel know where to deposit your tanks. The storage space should be in a cool area that’s away from direct sunlight. Since propane is a flammable gas, keep it away from heat sources. Don’t allow tanks to reach a surface temperature of 124 degrees or higher.

3. Know How to Store Tanks for Winter 

Propane Gas ProductsSince you won’t need propane service through the winter months, you should plan for the long-term storage of the tanks. While you can’t bring them indoors, you should protect them from the snow, sleet, and ice. You can do this by covering the tanks with a plastic tarp. Some people also set their tanks on a wood rack or cinder blocks, since this will protect them from the standing moisture that can cause rust and oxidation.

4. Know When to Replace Your Tank

Always be wary of signs of a decaying tank, such as rusting or peeling of the paint. If you notice warning signs, call your propane dealer and arrange for replacement tanks. A foul odor, such as rotten eggs, could indicate leaking fuel. In this case, call the fire department and leave the area immediately. Don’t return or use the tank until fire department officials inspect the tank and approve it for use.


If you need more safety tips for storing your propane gas products, you can turn to an established service like Low Price Gas-Print/Digital in Bulverde, TX. They service Texas Hill County, Boerne, Blanco, New Braunfels, and Bulverde Spring Branch areas. They provide the propane products you rely on for your residential needs and can deliver right to your home. To request service, visit their website or call (830) 980-2600.
