
Pregnancy can be hard on your back. Not only are you carrying extra weight, but your center of balance is also shifting, so you’ll be using new muscles to keep you upright. Your joints are also getting looser to prepare for childbirth, so your spine is more likely to get misaligned. To deal with back pain, stiffness, and discomfort during pregnancy without taking medication, talk to a chiropractor, and try these solutions.

How to Ease Back Pain

1. Change Your Habits

ChiropractorDuring pregnancy, your back will be more sensitive, so you need to be mindful of your sleeping position. Ideally, you should sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees to keep your spine straight and relieve pressure on your hips.

Pay attention to your posture during the day as well — sit or stand straight instead of slouching. Wear a maternity belt if it helps you bear the weight without leaning back or hunching. Finally, choose comfortable, flat shoes.

2. Apply Heat & Cold

Cold can help numb pain and lessen swelling; heat also reduces swelling and relaxes muscles. Try either an ice pack or a hot pad for your back when it's sore. Make sure to take breaks; raising your core body temperature can be risky for your pregnancy, but short applications for 10 minutes or less are safe.

3. Visit a Chiropractor

When your spine has a slight misalignment, also known as a subluxation, it can cause pain. This is common during pregnancy because the joints are more mobile than usual. If you visit a chiropractor during pregnancy, they can gently adjust your spine to clear the subluxation and relieve any related pain. Maternity chiropractors use gentle techniques designed to be safe for you and your baby.


If you’re interested in seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy, choose Pure Balance in New York City. Serving the area since 2001, Dr. Michael Magwood is certified in the Webster Technique. He is part of the ICPA’s Practiced Based Research Network and is licensed by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. To schedule an appointment, call (212) 661-5656 in the Murray Hill neighborhood in Midtown Manhattan or (973) 773-8244 in Clifton, New Jersey. Visit their website to learn more about prenatal chiropractic care. 
