
Your well installation saves you money and lets your family enjoy healthy, clean water. However, no matter where you get your water from, you should conserve it. Here are three ways to save water so that you and your loved ones, as well as the rest of the world, can continue to rely on it.

How to Lower Well Water Usage

1. Maintain Appliances & Fixtures

Running toilets and leaky faucets waste a significant amount of water. Regularly inspect all toilets and faucets to make sure they’re working correctly, and fix or replace them as soon as you notice an issue. Also, consider replacing toilets, dishwashers, laundry machines, and other appliances when they get old, as their chance of malfunctioning and wasting water increases with age.

2. Turn off Unused Faucets

well installationWhile you may have heard this tip before, it's difficult to overstate the importance. When brushing your teeth, shaving, washing your hands, or anything else that involves a faucet, shut the water off when you don’t need it. By following this tip, you can save up to 3,000 gallons of water from your well installation per year.

3. Take Showers & Collect Unused Water

A shower uses 10 to 25 gallons of water while a bath uses up to 70 gallons, so treat baths as an occasional luxury. Also, as you wait for your shower to warm up, collect the cold water in a large bucket. Later, use it to water plants or wash the car, giving it a second use.


If you’re interested in clean, affordable well water, turn to Ace Drilling in Polson, MT. Led by brothers Dave and Jay Bick, this family-owned and -operated company has specialized in well installation for more than 30 years. Along with drilling wells, they also provide well maintenance, well pump repairs, and more. Explore all of their services at their website, and call (406) 883-3300 to schedule your well installation today.
