
As the holidays approach and you start compiling a gift list and checking it twice, you may struggle to identify a present for a loved one with lower back pain. Many gifts for easing pain are both thoughtful and useful. Here’s a list of ideas for every budget.

5 Gift Ideas for People With Back Pain

1. Rice Packs

Although a rice pack, which retains heat or cold, may not seem like an impressive holiday gift idea, someone living with pain will welcome a selection of packs in different sizes and colors. If you’re on a very tight budget, rice packs are easy to whip up yourself, and you can add scents to customize them for any recipient. 

2. Gifts of Service

Sometimes the best gifts are the gifts of time. If your loved one is often laid up by back pain, why not offer your time as a holiday gift? House cleaning, snow shoveling, or entertaining the kids would give them a welcome rest.

Gift certificates for services that make their lives easier would also be appreciated. Meal subscriptions, housekeeping services, or massage treatments are three ideas.

3. Massage Ball Set

back painA set of massage balls is an alternative to purchasing a gift card for a massage. A set of balls designed for pain relief allows users to target different types of pain. Foam rollers and massaging cushions and chair covers are additional gift options. 

4. Acupressure Mat

Pressure point therapy is effective for relieving back pain. Acupressure mats provide at-home comfort. These cushioned mats are covered with hundreds of protrusions and are capable of targeting up to 8,000 pressure points in the back and neck.

5. Ergonomic Furniture

If your loved one works from home, ergonomically designed furniture can help them work pain-free. Think about standing desks, ergonomic chairs, portable laptop stands, and similar types of furniture as gifts for anyone who experiences back pain.


If you’re living with chronic back pain, a chiropractor will help you find relief. With over 40 years of combined experience, the team at Advanced Medical and Wellness in Dayton, OH, provides comprehensive chiropractic care. Their friendly staff is committed to making clients in Montgomery and Greene counties feel at ease. Learn more by checking out their online testimonials, and schedule an appointment by calling (937) 427-2225.
