
If your commercial roof has less than a 10-degree slope, it’s considered flat, which means it requires a certain level of maintenance to protect its integrity and life span. Caring for your flat roof isn’t difficult, and the little effort required is well worth your time by saving you money on repair costs. Here are three tips to keep in mind. 

3 Flat Commercial Roofing Maintenance Tips

1. Perform a Visual Inspection

Inspect your roof in the spring, fall, and after severe weather for cracks, loose screws, missing shingles, and separation between the layers. The elements tend to take a toll on roofs, so it’s wise to catch any signs of damage early.

Commercial RoofingIf moisture gets into cracks or damaged areas, it can lead to mold, rot, and further damage. Whenever you notice any signs of damage, no matter how small, contact a roofing contractor at your earliest convenience. 

2. Clear Debris Away

Pooling water—often called ponding—can cause strain on the joints and seams of your roof, leading to leaks. An automatic pump is the best way to eliminate ponding in the center. Having the low areas of your roof built up is an effective way to prevent future water accumulation.

Snow weighs 20 pounds per cubic foot. While heavy snow is pretty rare in North Carolina, it should be removed before it can reach 12 inches in depth, which is more possible than you’d think when it collects against equipment or the sides of the roof. 

3. Clean the Gutters

Gutter maintenance is especially important with a flat roof. When gutters fill with leaves and debris, they may begin to sag, pulling at the edges of the roof and causing damage. Additionally, gutters that are full and can’t drain properly lead to standing water on the roof. Gutters should be cleaned twice a year to prevent clogs.


If you’re looking for a reliable professional service to help maintain your commercial roof, turn to AAA Affordable Roofing in Charlotte, NC. These expert roofing contractors have been helping homeowners and businesses maintain their roofs for over 46 years. From replacing shingles to full installations, they’ve got the knowledge and experience to make sure the job is done right. Visit their website to read about their services or call them today for a free estimate at (704) 564-5597. 
