
After a hot Hawaiian summer, the baked, solid ground can become problematic as a period of heavy rainfall approaches. Water can quickly saturate the dry soil, which can cause surface run-off and even extreme flooding. Hiring a team of professional landscapers will help keep your lawn safe and thriving, but in the meantime, follow these tips to prepare for rain.

How to Prepare Your Lawn for Rain

1. Fix Your Drainage System

If you’ve lived in your home for a few years, you know which areas are prone to standing water or flooding. Make sure drainage around these areas is working efficiently, and call in professional landscapers to look at how you can improve the layout to prevent flooding.

2. Reduce Impermeable Areas

Large slabs of pavement create surface area for water to pool on, so break up your paving with strips of grass or gravel. This will allow excess water to run off, replenishing the groundwater supply in the process.

3. Cover Bare Dirt With Gravel

landscapersA layer of gravel will help slow down the rain falling onto your soil, allowing more time for the ground to absorb the water and reduce the chances of it being washed away. Gravel is more robust and can handle relatively heavy rainfall, and it looks great too.

4. Install a Rain Sensor

A rain sensor deactivates your sprinkler system once it detects rain to stop your lawn from becoming water-logged. If you don’t have a rain sensor installed, you can create the same effect by manually turning off your sprinkler system before it starts raining.

5. Consider Smart Planting

If you have a variety of plants growing in your backyard, they’ll create a network of roots that'll better hold your soil structure in place, preventing it from being washed away. Adding mulch around the roots before a rainfall will also help protect those root systems.


Ohana Nui Landscape LLC in Ewa Beach, HI, is no stranger to the nuances of the Hawaiian seasons. This team of professional landscapers has proudly served the surrounding communities for over 15 years, building a reputation for outstanding service and expertly completed jobs, all finished to the highest standards with the best products. From yard and landscape maintenance to turf and lawn installation, all of their services are available for reasonable prices. Call (808) 218-3612 to get a no-obligation quote, or visit their website to find out more about their offerings.
