
The common cold is uncomfortable. Because it’s a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract, symptoms almost always include coughing, sneezing, congestion, and sore throat. Fatigue and general body aches are also likely, as your system will need much of its energy to fight the virus. Here are a few simple health care tips to help you avoid this pesky condition as much as possible.

3 Tips for Preventing the Common Cold

1. Wash Your Hands 

Washing your hands thoroughly and frequently is perhaps the single most effective way to keep colds at bay. Viruses are everywhere, including door handles and bathrooms, so you will come in contact with them daily.

By washing your hands after every outing and before each meal, you’ll reduce the chances of introducing any bacteria you've picked up into your body. 

2. Find Time to Relax

health careChronic stress can have a detrimental impact on your immunity. And if your immune system is compromised, your body won't be able to effectively fend off any viruses that come your way.

To reduce stress, try to spend at least 30 minutes every day doing an activity that relaxes you. This may include reading, sipping tea, or listening to a soothing playlist.

3. Go Jogging Daily

Research indicates that aerobic exercise of moderate intensity can improve immune function, thereby reducing the risk of viral infections in the respiratory tract.

However, prolonged, intense exercise can suppress the immune system, so it’s important not to push yourself beyond your limits. Your health care provider will help you devise a workout regimen that’s tailored to both your current condition and future goals. 


If you come down with a cold despite your best efforts, turn to Hillside Family Medicine for relief. Operating out of Anchorage, AK, this family-owned practice has been treating patients for more than 20 years. Their compassionate health care providers help you achieve optimal health by targeting the underlying causes of issues. Learn more about their practice online or call (907) 344-0200 to make an appointment. 
