
If you have an RV or trailer that you keep in storage during the cold season, you will still need to winterize it. Doing so protects the water lines and other RV parts from premature wear and tear, preventing untimely replacements. Use these tips to get started.

4 Tips for Winterizing Your RV or Trailer

1. Drain the Water & Plumbing Systems

Drain all water and plumbing lines to prevent them from freezing and cracking during winter. Do the same for all water tanks, reservoirs, and toilets to avoid freeze-related issues. Next, open the faucets to ensure every drop of water drains, and flush the toilet until it’s water-free.

Before adding pink RV antifreeze, blow out the plumbing system with compressed air to get rid of any remaining water. Use the recommended amount of antifreeze for each RV part; for example, put a quart of antifreeze in the water tank and one cup in the toilet to keep the seal damp.

2. Clean & Unplug Appliances

RV partsTake any food out of your RV to discourage pests, and disinfect the refrigerator and other appliances with a white vinegar and water solution. Leave the refrigerator, dishwasher, and other appliances open after you unplug them to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Winterize electronic RV parts, as well; for example, remove batteries from all clocks, radios, and smoke detectors. Also, switch off the main circuit breaker to protect the electrical system from wear and tear.

3. Wipe Down & Vacuum Cabin Surfaces

Use your vinegar-water solution to wipe all cabin surfaces, including tables, cabinets, and floors. Vacuum the flooring and use the brush attachment to clean upholstered cushions. Next, place the cushions upright so they get extra air circulation during winter. If you are concerned about humidity-related mold growth, add charcoal dehumidifiers to the cabin to absorb moisture.

4. Top off Fluids

Keep fuel tanks from getting dirty with sludge this winter by topping them off and adding fuel stabilizer. Top off other fluids, as well—including engine oil, windshield wiper fluid, and brake fluid—to avoid operational issues. Use wiper fluid with antifreeze, and add automotive antifreeze to the radiator.

Finally, top off your propane tanks and store them in a safe location to prevent pressure problems. Cover the tanks with plastic to keep pests away. 

Visit Brad’s Trailer Supply to replace any worn or faulty RV parts before winter. This RV and trailer parts center has served residents throughout Monroe County, NY, since 1954 and offers camping supplies, trailer hitches, and other trailer accessories. Call (585) 458-4498 today with questions, or browse their RV parts online. Get more recreational vehicle tips on Facebook.
