
Interested in trying something new for dinner? Liver is, for many people, a controversial dish, but the truth is, it’s delicious—and very good for you. The following guide outlines some of the incredible health benefits you’ll enjoy by making it your next meal.  

Why Should You Try Liver?

1. Vitamins

If you’re looking for a dinner option that helps you meet your daily dose of vitamins, liver is easily one of the most effective options. A single serving contains Vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, iron, folate, copper, and choline.

These nutrients offer a variety of health benefits from cell regeneration and growth to a strengthened immune system. Some research has shown that Vitamin A can also help protect against cognitive decline, including conditions like Alzheimer’s. 

2. Calories

dinnerIf you’re looking for low-calorie dinner options that will be both filling and satisfying, liver has fewer calories and fat per ounce than most other forms of meat. On its own, it complies with the requirements of a keto diet. However, its rich flavor goes well with many spices and side dishes.

3. Protein

Protein is a crucial component of any healthy diet, giving you the energy needed to get through the day while warding off unwanted snacking by keeping you full. It can also boost your metabolism, helping you to burn calories more quickly. Liver is rich in protein, offering an impressive 22 grams per every three-ounce serving. 


Hungry for dinner? Head on over to Lee's Chicken Restaurant in Lincoln, NE. Since 1945, this establishment has been a go-to for families throughout Lancaster County, thanks to their delicious and versatile offerings. This includes both liver and gizzards. If you’re not interested in fried foods, ask your server about heart-healthy substitutions or suggestions. Visit them online to view their full menu or call (402) 477-4339 to place an order today. 
