
Spills on your couch or upholstered furniture can interrupt a relaxing evening. Thankfully, there are easy ways to treat stains right away without using harsh chemicals. Read this guide to learn about proper upholstery cleaning tricks, and call a cleaning service if the stain persists. 

3 Upholstery Cleaning Tips for Common Stains 

1. Coffee 

Upholstery CleaningFor coffee stains, mix a teaspoon of liquid laundry detergent into warm water until there are suds. Then, use a clean microfiber cloth or towel to blot the stain.  If a yellow stain remains, blot the area with vinegar (or if the material is a synthetic fiber, hydrogen peroxide works too).  This method works best if the stain is fresh. Let the couch air dry before re-inspecting and re-treating the stain.  

2. Food Grease 

To tread food grease stains, mix equal parts baking soda and water until you have a paste. Make enough to cover the stain generously. Spread the paste over the entire stain. Let the paste sit for 10 minutes to absorb the oils. Then, vacuum up the baking soda. If there’s a leftover stain, put dish soap on a wet toothbrush and scrub the rest away.  

3. Pet Urine 

As a solution for pet urine stains, create a half-water, half-vinegar mix. Blot the spot with a rag or clean cloth to eliminate the moisture and odor from the urine. If the stain remains, use dish soap and a toothbrush to remove the rest. If the vinegar smell is too strong, sprinkle some baking soda on the affected area and let it dry. Then, vacuum the powder up and open the windows to air out the room and dry the couch.  If a larger volume of urine went down, you may have to deal with urine absorbed into the cushion material.  It’s best to call our office for suggestions when dealing with this scenario.


If these at-home upholstery cleaning tricks aren’t enough, look no further than Triple A Maintenance in Cameron, WI. They’re trained and IICRC-certified in a variety of cleaning services. Whether you need upholstery, carpet, tile, or grout cleaning, they achieve impressive results using safe products. Visit their website to learn more about their upholstery cleaning services or call (715) 458-4699 to request an estimate today. 
