
Kids’ baby teeth will eventually fall out, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less important. Broken teeth can affect your child’s oral development and the emergence of the adult set. Avoid an emergency trip to a pediatric dentist for chipped teeth with these precautions.

3 Helpful Tips to Prevent Chipped Teeth

1. Watch What They Eat

Many everyday foods have hard parts, like nutshells, popcorn kernels, or fruit pits, that can crack your child's teeth. If your child is too young to distinguish the edible from the inedible, shell or remove seeds for them.

Hard candy or ice pops are double the trouble with their sugar content combined with a tough exterior. Offer alternative sweet treats like chocolate or sugar-free chewing gum.

2. Purchase a Mouthguard

pediatric dentistThere's a reason you see professional athletes wearing mouthguards. They help cushion hard blows to the face to reduce the risk of broken teeth, split lips, and other injuries. Ask your child’s pediatric dentist for a custom mouthguard, which will provide more protection than a store-bought one. Teach your child to wear it whenever they play sports.

3. Only Chew Food

Some children chew inedible objects and use their teeth as tools, both of which can lead to chips, so discourage these bad habits. Make sure your child knows where to find utensils for opening bottles and scissors to cut off clothing tags so they won’t feel the need to use their teeth.


Protect your child’s teeth with help from the friendly staff at Pediatric Dentistry Kahala in Honolulu, HI. With more than 20 years of experience as a pediatric dentist, Dr. Allen K. Hirai provides a comfortable environment for kids of all ages and teaches good dental habits for a lifetime of excellent oral health. Visit their website for patient information, or make an appointment at (808) 737-0076. 
