
Deciding to end your marriage and hiring a divorce attorney are major, life-changing steps. However, they’re only the first in a potentially long, confusing process. Depending on your relationship with your spouse and the complexity of your finances, the divorce process can take months or even years to complete. While every case is unique, below are a few crucial steps you’ll have to complete.

The Divorce Process in 4 Steps

1. Collecting the Documentation

divorce attorneyDeveloping an effective strategy and protecting your rights will require a detailed, thorough accounting of your marital finances. Your divorce attorney will want to see bank statements, tax returns, and reports from any investment and retirement funds you or your spouse may have.

2. Preparing the Complaint

The divorce officially begins when your divorce attorney files an official complaint with the court. After your spouse has been served with the paperwork, they’ll have a chance to agree with your position or provide an answer, which describes how they would prefer to handle the divorce.

3. Negotiating a Settlement

Negotiating a settlement with your spouse usually provides a faster, less stressful resolution than taking your case to trial. Your divorce attorney may be able to help you settle child custody issues and fairly divide your marital assets.

4. Going to Court

If you and your spouse were able to negotiate a fair settlement, you’ll have to appear in court when the judge issues the official decree. Otherwise, your case may have to go to trial. During the hearing, your divorce attorneys will have a chance to present their evidence to the judge, who will settle any outstanding matters for you.


Filing for divorce is almost always a difficult and overwhelming process, which is why clients throughout Torrington, CT, rely on The Law Offices of Conti, Levy, and Salerno, LLC. Their divorce attorneys are dedicated to helping protect your rights and achieve your goals and will guide you through every step of the process. Visit their website to learn how they can help with your divorce, or call (860) 482-4451 to schedule a consultation today.
