
If you’re interested in gardening or landscaping, you’ve probably heard of topsoil. Consisting of mineral particles, organic matter, water, and air, it’s darker than subsoil because it houses so much biological activity. Due to its unique composition, topsoil provides three important benefits.

3 Advantages of Topsoil 

1. It Promotes Plant Health

High-quality topsoil is porous and easily retains water and oxygen, which helps plant roots become healthy and strong. If you live in an area that isn’t entirely hospitable to plant life, you can use this type of soil to give new plants a better start. Landscapers working with sandy or clay-filled soil often add topsoil to encourage healthy plant growth. 

2. It Reduces Erosion

topsoilAlong with promoting plant growth, the nutrients retained in topsoil fight erosion from rain and wind. That’s why you should add a layer of it to the ground if you’re worried about lawn or property erosion. Adding topsoil will protect the ground from erosion, allowing you to maintain both your plant life and your overall property. 

3. It’s a Great Option for Leveling 

If you need to level out a lawn’s ditches, pits, gullies, or dips, use topsoil. When leveled out, the lawn will be much easier to mow, fertilize, and take care of. Since the soil is so nutrient-rich, it will simplify any future gardening or landscaping projects and protect from further erosion.  


If you’re looking for high-quality topsoil, turn to Syracusa Sand & Gravel in Victor, NY. Serving Ontario County, Monroe County, and the surrounding communities since 1949, these landscaping experts process their topsoil on-site so you can experience the full benefits of nutrient-rich soil. They also provide a wide variety of other landscaping materials including sand, washed stone, and asphalt. Learn more about their products online, and call (585) 924-7146 to place an order today. 
