
While a fertility clinic can help you address the physical elements of infertility, you may also need help coping with the emotional issues that can arise. Many people go through a wide range of emotions, but not dealing with them can damage self-esteem and threaten interpersonal relationships. The following is a guide to coping with these challenges.

How Can You Deal With the Emotional Aspects of Infertility?

1. Allow Yourself Time to Be Upset

If you’re trying for kids and repeatedly run into roadblocks, it’s normal to be upset. Don’t deny your feelings when angry or hurt, as this is a natural part of the process. Only by accepting these feelings can you begin to heal. 

2. Talk With Your Spouse

fertility clinicYour spouse will likely also be struggling with the news. Keep the lines of communication open so you can be each other’s support system. Also, spend some quality time with your spouse, as infertility can be challenging for any marriage. 

3. Consider Counseling

Many people benefit from professional counseling in the face of this issue. A counselor will help you process your emotions and cope with them in the healthiest way possible. Don’t be afraid to seek out professional help when needed. 

4. Disclose as Much as You Want to Others

You’re not obligated to talk about your fertility issues with anyone outside of the fertility clinic. Even when you do feel comfortable, you don’t have to discuss the problem at length. Decide how much you’d like to disclose at any given time; if pushed to discuss more, feel free to refuse. 


If you’re facing this issue, you should find a fertility clinic that offers quality care and support. Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute in Honolulu, HI, has been assisting local couples since 1985, and they will provide the care that you need. Along with in vitro fertility treatment, they also offer fertility preservation, which allows women to store eggs until they’re ready to conceive. Call (808) 946-2226 to discuss your options, or visit them online for the complete listing of their services.
