
Driving in the rain is often unavoidable and is something most people experience regularly. However, no matter how experienced or confident you are, you should remind yourself of how to drive safely in wet weather. That way, you avoid accidents, injuries, and collision repair. Below are a few do’s and don’ts of driving in the rain.


Know how to handle hydroplaning. 

Hydroplaning occurs when there’s excess water on the road’s surface, causing your tires to lose traction. This condition results in your vehicle sliding uncontrollably across the street. If your car begins to hydroplane, take your foot off the gas slowly and keep the wheel straight. If your vehicle is spinning, turn the wheel in the direction of the spin. Driving around large puddles of standing water will help to avoid hydroplaning.

Turn on headlights.

collision repairIf you’re driving in wet weather during daylight hours, you may forget to switch on your headlights. Some drivers believe that turning their headlights on will create a glare from the wet roads that will distract others. However, it’s much safer to put your headlights on during rainy weather to improve visibility. Most states have a legal requirement that your lights must be on when visibility is low, or your windshield wipers are in use. 


Drive as fast as you would in dry weather.

Driving too fast in any condition increases the risk of accidents and the need for collision repairs, and it is particularly dangerous during wet weather. Regardless of the usual speed limit on any given road, you should drive more slowly than you would if the weather was beautiful. Wet roads significantly reduce your vehicle’s reaction time. If you can, leave earlier during rainy weather to compensate for a slower journey.

Get too close to other vehicles. 

The usual rules about how close you should be to other vehicles do not apply during rainy weather. You should significantly increase the distance that you leave between your car and the one in front. This precaution is because of poor visibility, longer stopping distances, and your vehicle being more challenging to control during rain. Being too close to the car in front raises the likelihood of heavy braking, which is dangerous on wet roads.


Even if you drive safely and take precautions, accidents happen. If your vehicle gets damaged and you need collision repair, rely on Crone's Auto Body in Covington, KY. The auto body shop’s expert staff will begin by performing a damage assessment so that they can let you know the cost of repairs. Their state-of-the-art service is affordable no matter what repairs your vehicle requires. To get a quote or learn more about their services, call (859) 356-1800 or visit their website
