
Mopping has long been considered the best floor cleaning method, but that may not be as true as we once thought. In fact, regularly mopping your floors may actually create a bigger problem in several ways. Before you reach for your kitchen mop, consider these reasons to avoid it.

Why Should You Avoid Mopping?

1. You’re Not Removing Dirt

Regardless of the type of mop you use, you’re often just pushing debris and soil around. The dirt that the mop’s fibers pick up will be mixed with the water upon rinsing. This means that soil will contaminate the water and the mop will just return it to the floor, defeating the purpose of cleaning.

2. You Can Damage Hardwood Floors

floor cleaningUsing a wet mop as a method of floor cleaning can harm your hardwood floors since they're left to dry on their own after being mopped. The water, along with whatever chemical cleaner you use, can cause the wood to warp. Even after cleaning the floors just a few times, you’ll begin to see signs of damage.

3. You’ll Spread Bacteria 

People tend to use the same mop over and over for months at a time. This allows bacteria to thrive in the fibers and, each time you mop your floor, you'll be spreading that bacteria around. If you have pets or young children who play on the floor, this can be especially harmful.

4. A Professional Will Do a Better Job

Sweeping your floors when they need it and leaving more substantial cleaning to janitorial services will ensure they're sanitary. Professionals have the skills and the tools to provide you with an expert clean. You can also request that they use child-safe or eco-friendly cleaning products.


To learn more about how professionals can help with your floor cleaning, contact K & K Floor & Carpet Care in Chillicothe, OH. Their trained and experienced floor care technicians can help you keep tile, hardwood, and carpeted flooring in good condition for longer. Visit their website to learn more about their offerings, or call (740) 773-2090 to request service.
