
“Out of order” signs in bathroom stalls is inconvenient for employees and visitors. Often, there are a few common issues to blame for toilet malfunctions. Knowing what they are may help you prevent a need for plumbing repairs. Below are a few problems that could affect the fixtures in your workplace.

3 Common Toilet Problems in Commercial Spaces

1. Clogs

Flushing too much tissue down the toilet can clog the trap, or the curved portion at the bottom of the bowl. Feminine hygiene products, including pads and tampons, can also clog pipes. When this happens, a plumbing repair specialist may use drain snakes, augers, or plungers to dislodge blockages.

To minimize the risk of backups, stock your supply closet with toilet paper that dissolves easily, including single-ply and eco-friendly products. You should also put small receptacles in each stall to hold used feminine hygiene products. 

2. Broken Lids

plumbing repairsPeople often use bathroom stalls when they need to change. Bumping into the porcelain tank while moving around can cause the lid to crack. This could lead to overflow through the crack.

To avoid flooding, call a plumber to replace the lid as soon as you notice a fracture.

3. Constant Running

Noisy toilets can make it difficult for employees stationed near your restrooms to concentrate. Prolonged running also wastes water, causing a spike in your monthly utility costs.

If the flapper of a toilet can’t seal off the tank to refill it, it will keep running. A broken chain could also cause the flapper to malfunction. Have a plumber replace your flapper or check the efficiency of your fixture.


For plumbing repairs to improve the efficiency of your business and the comfort of your employees, contact the professionals at ES Systems, Inc. in Rochester, NY. Since 1978, this company has been a reliable resource for businesses in Monroe and Ontario counties. They perform commercial HVAC and plumbing repairs. They’re also experts in fire protection solutions. Learn more about their plumbing work online or call (585) 473-9300 to schedule an appointment.
