
You may hear people refer to boilers as furnaces and vice versa. Although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, the two residential heating systems are dramatically different. They both share an end goal of warming up your home, but here’s how they differ.


A furnace warms the air that circulates throughout the house through a series of ducts. Powered by either propane, electricity, or natural gas, this forced-air system extracts air, heats it, and sends it through the ductwork with the assistance of a blower. It works efficiently to meet the desired temperature setting on your thermostat.

To perform at its peak every year, it requires an annual inspection, and you must replace its filter at least once every three months to prevent blockages that could otherwise force it to work harder than necessary.

residential heatingBoilers

A boiler is an appliance that warms up water to generate heat. It can also derive steam from the hot water to warm the home. The device can be powered by a variety of sources, including oil, electricity, and natural gas. Despite the significant role it plays in keeping your home comfortable, it only requires an annual inspection to ensure that it functions properly.

Moreover, boilers don’t depend on ductwork to deliver warmth throughout your home. Instead, the residential heating systems disperse heat via a pump to baseboard radiators or even radiant flooring systems. You can even use the water from the boiler to warm up shower water or the water you use to wash the dishes or do laundry.


Whether you have a furnace or a boiler, trust the professionals at H & N Plumbing, Heating & Electrical to resolve your concerns. Serving homeowners throughout Fennimore, WI, these residential heating technicians provide around-the-clock service when you need them the most. In addition to performing boiler and furnace repairs, they also install heating systems, handle plumbing repairs, and will even tackle problems with your electrical system. Visit them online for more information, and call (888) 822-3258 to schedule service.
