
It can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude when facing a significant life challenge such as a job loss, divorce, or chronic illness. However, when these challenges are accepted, it can become easier to move through tough life transitions. Below are some suggestions for looking at change in a more positive light.

How to Accept & Embrace Change   

1. Allow Yourself to Work Through Feelings

Denying feelings can make you more unhappy. However, it’s crucial to give yourself permission to get sad over the situation, no matter how big or small it may seem. Take a few days to work through the feelings that often come with life changes, including sadness and fear. This will help you move forward and accept change as a part of life. 

2. Try to Find Humor in the Situation

Life ChallengesLooking for funny moments in tough situations is an excellent way to give yourself some relief, as well as connect with others who have faced similar life challenges. For example, if you’re forced to move back home due to financial challenges, try to lighten the mood during the moving process by telling a few jokes or bringing up funny memories with your parents and siblings. 

3. Seek a Support System

Focusing on what you value most in life, such as family, friends, or religious beliefs, can be an excellent tool for life challenges. Schedule a meeting with your religious leader, for example, or ask a close friend to meet you for coffee to discuss your feelings and provide guidance. This technique allows you to visually see a support system, as well as reinforce the idea that you never have to face a tough life challenge alone.


For more advice on how to handle change, contact Audrey Berger at Turning Point Life Coaching in Rochester, NY. For more than 40 years, this licensed psychologist and life coach has been helping clients navigate tough life challenges by teaching them valuable coping skills and providing compassionate support. She offers life coaching sessions both in her office and on the phone—whatever works best for you. Visit her website to learn more about her services and call (585) 292-0095 to set up an appointment today.
