
If sections of your gums appear shorter than the rest, the tissue may be receding—or pulling away from the teeth. In addition to affecting the look of your smile, this common symptom is associated with many possible dental care issues. That’s why, if you recognize this problem, you should see a professional for a personalized treatment plan. To shed more light on the topic, here are a few important details to know about receding gums and how to address them.

What Causes Receding Gums?

This issue is commonly linked to periodontal disease—a chronic infection of the gum tissue. When gum tissue becomes inflamed due to excessive bacterial plaque, it can deteriorate and pull away from the teeth.

dental careHowever, there are many other possible reasons you might notice that the tissue is shrinking, such as aggressive brushing, smoking, and dental misalignment.

What Are the Risks?

If gum recession is not treated early on, it can lead to many more complicated dental care problems. For example, as the tissue wears away, previously covered nerves may become exposed and contribute to increased dental sensitivity.

If periodontal disease is the root cause, the infection will eventually spread to the bone beneath the gums. The resulting bone deterioration can cause teeth to shift and fall out entirely.

How Do Dentists Treat Gum Recession?

The best treatment for receding gums depends on the cause. If the issue is related to periodontal disease, your dentist will need to provide root scaling and planing—an in-depth cleaning treatment that clears plaque from pockets in the gum tissue. If the recession is extensive, new tissue may need to be grafted onto the affected area.

In other cases, recession can be corrected by making simple changes. For example, your dentist may recommend using a softer toothbrush or quitting smoking.

How Can I Keep My Gums From Receding?

The key to preventing this oral health issue is to take good care of your gums—especially in terms of plaque control. To keep dangerous bacteria at bay, brush twice a day for two minutes at a time, floss daily, and rinse with mouthwash as needed.

Other ways to support gum health include visiting your dentist every six months for routine cleanings, not smoking, and drinking more water.


When gum recession is affecting the look and health of your smile, don’t wait for the problem to get worse. Instead, turn to the caring professionals at Four Corners Dental Group in Anchorage, AK. Offering comprehensive dental care services for patients of all ages, this clinic will provide advanced periodontal disease treatments—including laser dentistry services. Taking a gentle approach to preventive care, this provider can also help prevent tissue loss through in-depth cleanings and oral exams. Visit this practice online to learn more about these capabilities, or call (907) 258-3384 to schedule a convenient appointment. To reach the Wasilla office, call (907) 376-2790.
