
While CrossFit® training will go a long way in helping you achieve your fitness goals, your activities outside of the training sessions will also affect your workout routine. While a healthy diet will play a role, quality sleep will have a significant impact on your chances of success.

How Can Sleep Add to Your CrossFit Training?

Sleep is an essential part of maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health, especially when you’re participating in high-intensity activities like CrossFit. Sleep allows your muscles to heal and replenishes your energy. Getting adequate sleep will also decrease your levels of cortisol, which is also known as the stress hormone. This hormone is linked to unhealthy weight gain, depression, and heart disease, and can impair workout recovery. 

Allowing fatigue to set in will have a direct impact on the quality of your workout. Without enough sleep, you’ll have slower reaction times and be more prone to injuries and illness. Getting adequate sleep will help you make the most of each workout.

How Can You Improve Your Sleep?


If you’ve been struggling to get enough sleep, making a few simple changes can lead to dramatic improvements. First, try to make your bedroom as dark as possible. Shut the blinds and cover any sources of light to help your body go into a deeper sleep.

What you do before bed will also make a difference. Avoid consuming alcohol or caffeine, which can make it harder to fall asleep. Establish a set routine — like reading for 10 minutes and then brushing your teeth — to signal to your body that it’s time for bed. This will make it easier to fall asleep quickly.


If you’re ready to see better results from your CrossFit training, check out Bombers CrossFit in Beavercreek, OH. With certified trainers who provide varied workouts and dietary counselors, you’ll get far more than your typical gym experience. To learn more about our training programs, visit us online or call (318) 401-1538.
