
Many individuals experience persistent back pain. In some cases, home remedies like rest, heat or cold therapy, and over-the-counter pain relievers may be effective. There’s also another simple method to try at home: stretching. Below, discover some of the most powerful stretches for back pain relief.

3 Stretches to Try for Back Pain  

1. Cat/Cow

A popular yoga sequence, the cat/cow exercise is useful for alleviating any tight, sore muscles in the lower back.

Start on all fours, with your palms and knees on the ground. Keep the hands directly under your shoulders and your knees apart at the level of your hips. Then, slowly arch your back, pulling your stomach in towards your spine and letting your head gently lean forward. Aptly named the “cat” pose, this should look like a cat arching its back. Hold for up to ten seconds.

Next, return to the initial position and gradually lift your head towards the ceiling, curving your spine towards the floor and tilting your pelvis forward. This is the “cow” stretch. Repeat both steps up to 20 times.

2. Knees-to-Chest

Issues such as compressed nerves, pulled muscles, and damage to the discs can result in lower back problems.

back painYou can relieve some of the tension in this area by lying on the floor and bringing one knee up toward your chest. Hold it for up to a minute, keeping your lower body relaxed. Repeat with the other leg and continue switching for a total of three times per leg.

3. Torso Rotation

Also commonly practiced in yoga, this stretch releases the tension in the spine while also strengthening the stability muscles in your abdomen to support better posture.

Lie on the floor with your back to the ground. Bend both knees toward your chest, but only to form a 90-degree angle, as if you were seated. Keeping both knees together and bent, drop them gently over to one side. Leave both arms stretched out to your sides in a “T.” Hold the stretch for up to 20 seconds, then repeat on the other side. Perform the entire sequence up to ten times.


If you have tried these home remedies but still experience pain, turn to Source Therapy. Serving the area of Gig Harbor, WA, this locally owned company offers individualized physical therapy programs to help patients recover from injuries or surgeries. Their solutions help improve posture, range of motion, and balance. Set up an appointment by calling (253) 857-4870 or learn more about their facility online.
