
Today’s aerospace industry is making incredible advancements, powered in part by high-grade polyurethane and other sophisticated materials. These substances have certain properties that make them uniquely suited to the challenges of flight, whether you’re designing a small private plane or a cutting-edge satellite destined for space. Below is an overview of how this unique substance makes the modern aerospace industry possible.

The Challenges Facing Aerospace Engineers

Every pound of weight increases an aircraft’s operating costs, so every component must be as lightweight as possible. This is especially true in the modern world, with a growing demand for low prices and increasingly strict fuel efficiency standards.

Due to the inherent risks of flight, every piece must also be durable, strong, and reliable. High-altitude also comes with extremely low temperatures, so aerospace components must also have excellent insulative properties to prevent heat loss.

The Benefits of Polyurethane

polyurethanePolyurethane offers a variety of unique characteristics that make it the natural choice for airplane and spacecraft manufacturing. In addition to excellent thermal properties, polyurethane is also extremely lightweight, making it suitable for use in a wide range of components. It’s also extremely versatile and can be fashioned into extremely dense foams, solids, and flexible elastomers.

How Aerospace Engineers Use Polyurethane

Thanks to these unique features, polyurethane is used in almost every part of the aerospace industry. Polyurethanes are a vital component of cabin displays and electronic circuit boards, as well as adhesives that bond metal and other materials. As a foam, it can be found in seat cushions and headrests, and molded solids often form bulwarks, interior walls, and ceilings.  Fire Retardant Polyurethanes can also be formulated to meet and exceed safety requirements.

Since 1970, BJB Enterprises in Tustin, CA, has provided high-quality polyurethane products and materials to aerospace manufacturers across the world. Combining unmatched technical expertise and knowledge of materials, BJB helps customers find real world solutions for their applications. Visit their website for an overview of their products, or call (714) 734-8450 to discuss your company’s needs and vision today.
