
Experts recommend drinking half a gallon of water per day. This may seem like a lot, especially if you don’t like the taste of the water from your residential water system. However, there are many health and wellness benefits that come with drinking this amount. If you still need reasons to drink more every day, here are a few that may convince you. 

5 Benefits of Staying Hydrated

1. Prevents Heart Palpitations 

Palpitations are usually described as fluttering or skipping of the heartbeat, which can be uncomfortable. While they can happen at any time, they often occur after an intense workout or once you drink a stimulant, like caffeine. Staying hydrated will help prevent this from occurring, minimizing discomfort.

2. Increases Brain Function 

Residential Water SystemEven mild dehydration can impair your focus, short-term memory, and mood. This can make completing a project difficult, and cause you to lose motivation. By drinking water, you’re one step closer to finishing that novel or artwork you’ve been working on for a while.

3. Alleviates Headaches 

If you are prone to migraines, relief may come as easy as drinking a few more glasses from your residential water system. Increasing your water intake may reduce the number of headaches you experience. Fewer headaches mean you can go back to enjoying your social activities, and don’t have to rely on over-the-counter medication for relief.

4. Encourages Weight Loss 

While a well-balanced diet and exercise are key to losing weight, drinking plenty of water will also help. Drinking water before a meal will help you feel full more quickly, decreasing your appetite and calorie intake. Your body may also work harder to process the fluid, therefore burning more calories. 

5. Improves Skin Condition 

Your skin is an organ made up of cells, and all cells need water to function. Dehydration can result in dry skin, which is more prone to flaking and wrinkle development. Water will reach other organs before it replenishes your skin, so amping up your intake will help give you the youthful, plump skin you’ve always dreamed of.


If the taste of the water from your residential water system discourages you from staying hydrated, turn to Anchorage Well & Pump Service, Inc. Their well rehabilitation services include; system check-ups to spot deficiencies or problem areas, removing bacteria and debris, odor control and increased production with a focus on improving the quality and taste of your water supply. They are committed to customer satisfaction, and offer 24/7 emergency services. Learn more about what they do online, or call (907) 243-0740 to schedule an appointment. 
