
Your home's roof was built to withstand the elements, but over time, every roof is bound to age and wear down. Whether a storm recently impacted your area or your roof is just getting older, there are signs to look out for that indicate it's time for roof repair

How to Know When You Need Roof Repair

1. Moisture in the Attic

Your attic is often the first place that'll indicate roof problems. If you see water, or any stains that may mean water was there, your roof is likely leaking. When looking for water stains, also note if you can see light through the ceiling. After all, if light can get through your roof, water can too. If you notice these issues, it's time to consider roof repairs.

2. Missing or Damaged Shingles

roof repairsShingles help protect the roof from water damage that can result in wood rot or mold. As a result, if you're missing shingles, it's definitely time for roof repairs. However, if they all seem to be in place, take a good look at them. If your shingles are starting to curl at the ends, or if they're cracked or visibly damaged, you'll need to get them replaced.

3. Worn Vent Pipes & Chimney

The areas around your vent pipes and chimney are usually the first to show wear. Fortunately, the damage is usually confined to these specific areas, making it easy to fix. If these spots are deteriorating, contact a roofing professional to take care of them before they become more significant issues.


If you need an experienced and reliable roofing company to help with your roof repairs, turn to Economy Roofing & Construction in Walnut, CA. With over 20 years of experience, these skilled contractors can help with everything from new roof installation to roofing repair. Call them today for a free estimate at (626) 771-7291, or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
