
An athlete is a champion of fitness and health, but they’re also prone to injury. Many enthusiasts and professional players are vulnerable to hand and wrist injuries, especially those who play basketball, football, tennis, and similar sports. Here are several of the most common hand and wrist injuries an athlete can experience.

3 Common Athletic Injuries

1. Tendonitis

Tendonitis is a chronic injury that’s common in the wrist. It stems from repeated stress or overuse, inflaming and irritating the tendon. Starting a different exercise routine or sport are common causes of tendonitis because they put the muscles under a new type of strain.

Symptoms include pain, swelling, a lump in the muscle, feeling a grittiness when you move it, and difficulty moving the affected body part. Athletes can ease the discomfort by resting the tendon, using ice, compressing the area, and elevating it.

2. Broken or Dislocated Fingers

athleteAthletes who play contact sports may experience these injuries as they tackle each other or dive for a ball. Both injuries cause discomfort, restricted movement, and mild deformity. Depending on the severity, an athlete may need prescription pain medication, a splint, or surgery to keep the bones in place for proper healing.

3. Tennis Elbow

This injury occurs when the muscles in your lower arm become overworked, often through repetitive motions, like those associated with basketball and golf. The damage can weaken the area and spread pain throughout your lower arm and wrist, which may worsen when you move your hand. Athletes can soothe their symptoms by resting and taking over-the-counter pain medications. Physical therapy, injections, and surgery may be needed if the symptoms don’t improve.


If you’re an athlete experiencing any of these injuries, visit the team of physicians at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health in Honolulu, HI. These board-certified professionals are familiar with athletic injuries, and they’ll take the time to understand your symptoms so that they can create a custom treatment plan. Learn about their approach to sports medicine online, or call (808) 521-8170 to schedule an appointment.
