
As a young adult, your life is busy. When you've got a full day of classes and responsibilities to meet, sometimes it's easiest to throw on a hat instead of spending an hour on your hair. However, just because it's a hat day doesn't mean you can't look good. Try out these hairstyles to make your lazy day look effortlessly chic.

What Hairstyles Work Well With Hats?

1. Messy Bun

A classic bun never goes out of style, whether you're wearing a hat or not. If you like putting your hair into a single ponytail, double it up and tie the end down with a second band to form a messy bun. This look works well with larger hats and can include loose strands hanging out on your forehead or by your ears.

2. Braided Pigtails

Pigtails look perfect popping out from either side of a hat. You can once again leave some bangs or loose strands hanging out around the edges to give your look a cool, casual feel.




3. Side Braid

Instead of having two ponytails, braid them together on one side of your head. This will keep loose strands out of your face, and it'll look especially good with the braid to one side, and the bill of your hat angled to the other.


4. Twisted Bundle

After you've gathered your hair in a ponytail, try twisting it up into a messy little bundle right on the back of your neck. This style looks nice with smaller hats.

5. Gelled Curls

If you're wearing a textured hat, try styling your hair to match it. This works even better if your hair is naturally curly. Add some gel to give it that extra bit of life, then put on your hat to cap off the look.


When you need a clothing store that has great options, all served with the Southern hospitality you know and love, choose Florida Cracker Trading Company in Brooksville, FL. From t-shirts to hoodies, hats, and more, this family-owned clothing store will give you a great selection and a friendly experience you’ll love. To get in touch, visit them online or call (352) 754-8787.
