
Your home’s laundry room should be both functional and stylish. However, this space is often an afterthought. By renovating your laundry room, you can make doing this chore a simple part of your routine. The following are some of the ways that your remodeling contractor can transform a space into your dream laundry room.

Designing Your Ideal Laundry Room: Tips to Try

1. Add Counterspace

If you formerly stored your laundry machines in a closet or in the basement, your process may have been inefficient. You likely had to move your clothes to another room for folding after they were dry. A spacious counter can streamline your routine. When you have counter space in a designated laundry room, you can neatly fold clothing and have space for stain removal.

2. Build Plenty of Storage

Small laundry rooms can often feel cluttered, with detergent bottles, dryer sheets, and stain removers around the spaces. Talk to your remodeling contractor about adding storage to your laundry room. Shelves and cabinets can keep laundry supplies neat and organized. You can also use the storage for other purposes, like stocking spare towels and cleaning supplies.

3. Incorporate Color

remodeling contractorRemember that your laundry room doesn’t need to be bland. This functional area can also add to your home decor. Paint the walls a color, throw down an area rug, or even order colored cabinets. These features will make the space more inviting, and you might even feel cheerful while you do laundry.

4. Create Space

You can still create your dream laundry room in a small space. Talk to your remodeling contractor about ways to maximize the chosen space for your needs. This could mean stacking your washer and dryer to make room for a counter. You might need mounted shelves rather than base cabinets. 


If you are ready to create your dream laundry room, the remodeling contractors at Better Built Homes by Bob Hafermann can help you create a stylish and practical space. Located in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, these professionals have been working with local residents for over 60 years. Whether you need new flooring or want to remodel your entire kitchen, they will plan out each project according to your needs. You can visit them online to view a full list of your services, or call (715) 423-4478 to schedule a consultation.
