
A water well draws directly from an underground water source. Aside from delivering fresh, natural water to homes and commercial properties, they can also provide insight into the water table. Called a monitoring well, these play an integral role in determining and maintaining aquifer health. Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about well monitoring.

Monitoring Well FAQ

What is a monitoring well?

A monitoring well is a water well used to measure and monitor an underground aquifer. Professionals can use it to measure an area’s level, volume, and quality of water. A drilling company may drill a well for well monitoring services or use existing domestic and commercial wells periodically.

How is it used?

well-monitoring-anchorage-akWell monitoring professionals may inject dye into the subsurface water to determine the direction of the flow and find the discharge points. They can also measure how long it takes groundwater to travel to these points. This is necessary for estimating how much groundwater is available in a monitored area. This data can be applied to existing and future construction efforts so the groundwater isn’t over-harvested.

Why is a necessary fixture?

Professionals can use well monitoring data to study the habitat or species present in groundwater and how surface water may impact them. They can apply changes in the weather to measure short- and long-term aquifer changes and see how drilling and other nearby projects are affecting the aquifer. This may prevent contamination and other issues that can damage the aquifer.

Do I need one?

If you plan on utilizing a groundwater resource for an upcoming construction project, you’ll need to schedule well monitoring services to determine its sustainability. Monitoring will also ensure that you are not contaminating water or using contaminated water. It may even be required for you to secure a drilling or construction permit. If you’ve recently purchased property, you may want to schedule well monitoring to survey the groundwater structure beneath it.


If you require well monitoring services, turn to GeoTek Alaska. These professionals are based out of Anchorage and offer a wide scope of geophysical services. Their team is committed to sustainability and environmental protection. Call (907) 569-5900 to speak with a representative, and visit their website for a full breakdown of their services.
