
Asbestos is a natural mineral commonly used as a building material in past decades. Due to the health and safety concerns surrounding it, that use has been mostly discontinued. However, it can still be found in many old houses, in which case asbestos abatement is available to address its presence. If you’re concerned about your home, here’s what you should know about how to find asbestos.

Effects of Asbestos

Asbestos sheets or insulation in solid condition may not lead to serious health effects. However, when the material breaks and particles become airborne, it can lead to asbestosis over time.

This condition scars the lungs, so it can cause symptoms like constant coughing and shortness of breath. It has also been shown to increase the risk for certain cancers like mesothelioma.

Where to Find It in Your Home

asbestos abatementAsbestos was commonly used as an insulator in old homes, so you might find it in floor tiles, roof sheeting, and around pipes and water tanks. Today, the material is especially common in basements or parts of the home that haven’t been updated in decades.

Asbestos can take many different forms. Insulation in walls or attics often looks fluffy and white. It can also look like gray or brown textured coating. If asbestos is included in flooring, it often looks like tile with paper backing. 

If you suspect there’s asbestos in your home, particularly if the material is damaged, have it tested by a hazardous waste management professional right away. They’ll help you determine the best asbestos abatement approach, whether that’s removing the material entirely or repairing the damage so it won’t become airborne and cause harm.


If you think your home may have this mineral and you’re looking for an asbestos abatement professional in the Honolulu area, contact Ohana Environmental Construction. The hazardous waste management company provides services like mold remediation, lead paint removal, and water damage cleanup to improve safety conditions in homes and businesses. With 35 years of combined experience, the team offers quality work for customers across Oahu. Learn more about the company’s asbestos abatement and other services online, or call (808) 836-6955 to request a free estimate.
