
A dentist and dental hygienist are the core members of your oral care team, and you should understand the roles they play. They both help you achieve a radiant, healthy smile, and they will contribute in different ways during your scheduled cleanings. Here is what you need to know about these two professionals.

Dental Hygienist

dentistDuring an appointment, you will spend most of your time with the hygienist, and this position requires extensive training and an associate’s degree. They welcome patients, seat them, take X-rays, and provide a comprehensive dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from hard-to-reach areas.

During the cleaning, they will share valuable advice on how to brush and floss your teeth, pointing out areas that you have missed. While cleaning, the dental hygienist will also look for cavities, signs of infection or decay, or cosmetic issues with your teeth. They will document everything to later share with your dentist.


The dentist is the head of your dental care team—they hold a doctoral or professional degree and are the leading authorities in oral health. A dentist will take the information the hygienist gathers, assess your oral health, and diagnose conditions, like decay or gum disease. A dentist also handles more extensive treatments, such as cleaning and filling decayed areas, root canal therapy, and cosmetic repairs or enhancements.


If you are overdue for a dental cleaning, contact the skilled team at Dentaworks Hawaii in Honolulu. This practice has served Oahu for over 30 years and is led by Dr. Douglas Chang, DDS. This experienced dentist and his team offer a variety of services, like teeth whitening and routine checkups, to keep their patients’ smiles beautiful and radiant. Call (808) 528-1200 to schedule an appointment, then go to their website to print and complete their new patient forms.
