
As fall temperatures drop, you’re likely to see an upswing of insects in your home as they seek shelter from the outdoors. To keep flies, ants, termites, and other pests out of your living space, it’s important to take some steps to ward them off. Here are three simple pest control methods to help keep your home pest-free this autumn.

3 Tricks to Keep Insects From Getting Inside

1. Seal Common Entry Points

Limiting the places where insects can enter is one of the best ways to keep them outdoors. Take a walk around your home and look for any cracks or holes in the foundation or walls. Fill them with cement and a putty knife. 

Next, check your windows and doors. Caulking window cracks can keep small insects from entering. As a bonus, caulking around windows can also improve energy efficiency and make your home less drafty. 

2. Keep Firewood Away From Your Home

pest controlA stack of firewood provides a welcome refuge for insects, and if you keep the stack leaned up against your home, you may be inviting insects inside without knowing it. Instead, store the wood in a shed or other outbuilding.

Use caution when bringing wood inside, too. Before you carry it in, visually inspect it to make sure no pests are hitching a ride.

3. Limit Food Sources

This is wise at any time of the year, but in fall, food sources begin to grow limited for insects and rodents alike. To keep mice at bay, keep pantry staples like flour and sugar in tightly sealed containers, and consider transferring foods like bread and cereal out of containers that can be chewed through.

To limit food and water sources for insects, make sure you don’t have any minor plumbing leaks, and clean up any spills or crumbs promptly. Cleaning your kitchen every evening and sweeping and vacuuming once a week will go a long way toward making your home unattractive to pests.


Even with the best preparation, there’s a chance that insects or rodents will make it inside. If that happens, contact the experts at Advanced Termite & Pest Control. Based in Crossville, TN, they’ve served the upper Cumberland area for over 15 years. Whether you need a wasp nest removed, a termite colony exterminated, or a pesky rodent trapped, they can help. Learn more about their services online and call (866) 636-2687 to schedule a pest control appointment.
