
Everything living needs clean water, which is why it’s important to use this vital resource responsibly. While everyone should do their part to manage their water use, homeowners with septic tanks need to take extra precautions. To help you, here is an overview of the connection between water conservation and home wastewater treatment systems along with simple steps you can take to protect the environment.

The Importance of Conserving Water

While using less water contributes to conservation, protecting reserves from contamination is just as essential. An overloaded or poorly maintained wastewater treatment system can release dangerous contaminants into groundwater, rivers, and streams, with sometimes disastrous results.

The toxic substances released from septic tanks can make people sick or feed colonies of dangerous microbes like bacteria and algae. In large quantities, these organisms can kill fish and other marine life, potentially destabilizing entire ecosystems.

How to Conserve Water at Home

Fortunately, conserving water and reducing the strain on your wastewater treatment system doesn’t have to involve major lifestyle sacrifices. For instance, flushing the toilet only when necessary can save gallons of water every day.

wastewater treatment systemTaking showers instead of baths will dramatically reduce your water usage and lighten the load on your septic system. You can also be conscientious about washing dishes and laundry by only running loads when the machine is full.

Having your septic system serviced every year will help prevent many potentially hazardous issues to avoid leaking contaminants into the soil.


In addition to saving water at home, keep your septic system in top shape with the help of First Quality Environmental in Waimanalo. For over 25 years, they’ve specialized in wastewater treatment system installation, design, and maintenance. Visit their website for more information about their wide range of wastewater services, or call (808) 259-0100 to make an appointment.
