
Everyone should undergo periodic skin exams to prevent melanoma. The frequency of the exams will depend on your medical history and various risk factors, like the extent of your sun exposure and your family history of skin cancer. You should perform monthly self-exams, regardless of whether your primary care provider recommends visiting a dermatologist every six months or two years. This will ensure you’re aware of any troublesome changes as soon as they develop.

3 Tips on Performing a Skin Cancer Self-Exam

1. Devise a Routine

It’s easiest to do a self-exam before or after a shower because you’re already disrobed. Start by standing in front of a full-length mirror and check yourself from head to toe. Then, turn around and examine your back. Use a handheld mirror as needed, like when checking the back of your neck, ears, and knees, as well as your buttocks and genital area. Don’t forget to examine the palms of your hands and underarms as well as the soles of your feet.

2. Ask a Friend for Help

skin cancerUnless you have a shaved head, you’ll need a blow-dryer and a friend to examine your scalp. Using the blow-dryer, move your hair around while your helper examines the skin on the top of your head. If you have any spots, ask your friend to photograph them so you can track their appearance over time.

3. Monitor Any Changes

During every skin exam, take close-up photos of any spots your dermatologist instructs you to monitor. This will produce an accurate record of any changes they exhibit, making it easier to distinguish between potentially problematic moles and perfectly healthy freckles.


If you notice troublesome spots during your next self-exam, turn to Rustad Dermatology in Lincoln, NE. This practice is led by board-certified specialists who have extensive experience identifying and treating a variety of skin disorders. Learn more about their services online, or call (402) 484-6222 to schedule a professional skin cancer exam.
