
A quality chiropractor offers holistic treatments like massage therapy to help manage conditions beyond back and neck pain. One of the injuries related to this level of care is a shin splint, which is a common ailment in active adults. If you’re experiencing the pain of a shin splint, here’s what you need to know about the condition and its treatment.


A shin splint, or medial tibial stress syndrome, is characterized by pain along the tibia—the bone in the front of your lower leg—and the surrounding muscles. Shin splints occur when your tibia and the tissues attached to it undergo repeated stress or overwork that they aren’t used to. They’re common in military recruits, dancers, runners, and other athletes, especially if their physical routine changes.


Shin splint pain presents as a deep ache or stinging pain along the front of the leg and the calf muscle, and your calf may be sore to the touch. The pain often starts during exercise and eases up when exercise stops. If not properly treated, however, the pain can become constant, even outside of physical activity, and the splint may progress into a stress fracture.

massage therapyTreatment

The primary treatment for shin splints is rest, giving your muscles and bone a respite to heal. Ice and over-the-counter pain relievers can manage discomfort, as can massage therapy by a qualified professional. Massage helps speed healing time and lessens discomfort. It relaxes the muscles to allow them to heal, lowers inflammation to reduce pain, and stimulates circulation to the area, delivering nutrients and oxygen-rich blood.


To prevent shin splints and reduce their chances of recurring, avoid overdoing your exercise routines and minimize the impact on your body when working out. Wear shock-absorbing shoes with insoles and proper support for your arches. Consider easing back into your routine with low-impact exercises like biking or swimming. Combining these with strength training also helps minimize risk as it strengthens the muscles, allowing them to take more impact without damage.


If you have a shin splint, Eastern Hills Chiropractic in Cincinnati, OH, offers holistic treatments that include massage therapy. Their licensed therapist has been practicing since 2004 and specializes in treating injuries and chronic pain. With affordable rates and select extended hours, they’ll restore your body to get you back on your feet in no time. Learn about their massage services online, and call (513) 528-2200 to arrange your appointment today.
