
Investing in a rental property is an ideal way to make passive income and grow your assets. However, when you become a landlord, you should work with a dedicated lawyer to help you avoid personal injury lawsuits and maintain the value and earning potential of your place. Here are a few ways attorneys recommend protecting yourself. 

4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Tenant Lawsuits

1. Insure Your Property

You should secure both property and liability insurance as a landlord. This way, you’ll be protected if anything on-site is damaged. Plus, you’ll be protected if a tenant is injured or files a lawsuit for wrongful eviction or unlawful entry into their unit. 

2. Keep Property Well-Maintained

LawyerWhen acquiring a rental property, consult a lawyer to stay fully versed in the health, safety, and building codes in your city and state. This will be a helpful guide to keep your property in good and legally upstanding condition. 

3. Prioritize Security

When a crime takes place on a rental property, a court can find the landlord partially responsible for the situation. As such, take measures to promote security. Installing a security gate, surveillance cameras, and overnight lighting, and ensuring every unit has secure locks can reduce the risk of criminal activity. 

4. Follow Eviction Laws

Having a problematic tenant who fails to follow rental rules or hasn’t paid their rent on time can be frustrating. Should this issue get to the point of eviction, consult your lawyer to ensure you follow eviction laws and regulations to the letter of the law. Failure to comply with eviction requirements can give your tenant grounds to file a lawsuit against you. 


If you’re a property owner looking for an experienced lawyer to make sure you’re protected from tenant lawsuits, contact The Law Offices of Conti, Levy and Salerno, LLC, in Torrington, CT. This law firm has over 75 years of combined experience and a reputation for versatile, high-quality legal representation. Call (860) 482-4451 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website to learn more about this dedicated team of lawyers and their broad range of expertise.  
