
The right wine can enhance the flavor profile of any meal. Many people may worry, however, about their ability to pair wines and food. In addition, they may be unfamiliar with tasting protocols. Here are a few tips for tasting wine like a professional.

How to Taste Wine

1. Focus on Scent

Part of the beauty of wine is the scent. Before you sip, take a moment to smell the wine. With your nose over the glass, inhale deeply. Pay attention to the vintner’s notes about the wine. Try to smell the oak or the cherry if the vintner uses those words to define the wine’s character. You may notice hints of vanilla, berries, peaches, or even grass as you inhale wine. 

2. Savor the Flavor 

wineTake a sip. Instead of swallowing the wine quickly, allow it to flood across your tongue. As it sits in your mouth, savor the taste, and think about how the taste compares to other beverages. Assess its acidity and strength. Some wines are more acidic than others. Some have full-bodied flavors; others are light and delicate. 

3. Swallow a Small Amount 

To explore the wine’s finish, swallow a small amount, and think about the taste that remains in your mouth. Remember, you can always spit it out if you’re concerned about becoming inebriated.

During a wine tasting, try as many different varieties as you can, and write down your impressions as you sample. When done, purchase a bottle or two to practice your new tasting skills at home.


If you adore wine and want to join a tasting, you can find everything you need at Hidden Lake Winery in Aviston, IL. From cozy cabins and gourmet meals to full wedding packages, these trusted professionals will turn any event into a celebration. Find out more about how they can assist you by visiting their website, or call  (618) 228-9111 to speak with the team.
