
Smoking may seem like a harmless habit when you start in your 20s, but years of it may take a toll on your skin. If you are searching for skin care that will address prematurely aged skin, you may consider leaving the cigarettes behind a good first step to prevent further health issues. Here are some of the effects smoking has on your appearance and your overall well-being.

How Smoking Affects Appearance

1. Premature Aging

The toxins present in cigarette smoke damage crucial components for healthy skin: elastin and collagen. These two substances keep skin smooth and supple. A lack of either can contribute to premature wrinkles around the eyes and face. Also, continually pursing the lips to draw on a cigarette creates “smoker’s lines” around the mouth.

Smoking also restricts blood flow, which means skin cells receive less essential oxygen and other nutrients. It exposes the skin to the pollutants present in the smoke. All of this leads to a prematurely wrinkled appearance. Loss of elastin can affect other parts of the body also, making for saggy arms.

 2. Skin Cancer

skin-careThose who smoke have up to a 50% greater chance of getting squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) than non-smokers. This common form of skin cancer will often develop near or on the lips of those who smoke. Smoking is the number one preventable cause of complications for health conditions like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

3. Scarring and Hyperpigmentation

The restricted blood flow caused by smoking also creates a propensity for scarring and broken capillaries and veins. Lips can become darkened or discolored and dry in texture from heat and smoke. It is more challenging to achieve the smooth, clear skin promised by many skin care products when you smoke.

4. Decreased Wound Healing

The body has an amazing system in place to heal wounds, but a smoker’s injuries and scars take longer to rejuvenate because of decreased vascular flow and nutrient- and oxygen-deficient blood. 

5. Dry Skin Conditions

Smoking contributes to dehydration, which appears in the skin as dry, flaky, or rough-textured. Smoking is also a risk factor in the development of psoriasis, a skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches that can manifest on any part of the body. Nicotine is a major player in suppressing the immune system and impeding the growth of healthy skin cells.


To help your appearance heal from the effects of smoking, choose facial aesthetic skin care from Arya Medical Spa in Shiloh, IL. They offer Obaji® skin care, Visia® facial analysis, and SkinMedica® systems to aid damaged skin. Their skilled technicians will find the best products and procedures to give you a younger, healthier appearance. Call (618) 624-7300 to schedule a consultation, or visit the website to learn more about services.
