
Boilers are generally reliable and dependable, capable of providing a steady supply of hot water for decades. However, even the newest, most advanced pieces of heating equipment need regular maintenance to operate at peak efficiency. With winter approaching, now is the perfect time to schedule an annual maintenance check to see if you need any boiler repairs.

Why Regular Boiler Maintenance Matters

Boiler maintenance maximizes the efficiency of your system, lowering the operating costs of your home and saving money long-term. Efficient operation also prevents unnecessary wear and tear, reducing the frequency of needing boiler repairs and preventing unexpected breakdowns that can leave your home cold in winter. Preventative maintenance and repairs can also identify issues before they can lead to accidents that could seriously damage your home.

Why Boiler Maintenance Requires a Professional

boiler repairsEven small home boilers are complex appliances, filled with hot, highly pressurized water. Safely cleaning and adjusting the boiler typically requires years of experience and a thorough understanding of the system, so it’s best to leave the job to a professional. These experts also have the training to identify problems and take preventative measures before minor issues spiral into a need for expensive boiler repairs.

What Boiler Maintenance Involves 

During a maintenance service, the technician will test the system, checking the pressure and temperature to make any necessary adjustments. If your boiler runs on oil, they’ll also change the filter to ensure a smooth delivery of fuel throughout the system. Then will then clean the combustion chamber, check the water level, and lubricate any pumps or other moving parts.


With over 30 years of experience and a reputation throughout the Denver, CO, area for providing prompt, effective service, 1st Choice Mechanical is the first choice for all your heating and cooling needs. Whether you need routine maintenance or emergency boiler repairs before winter starts, their team will maximize the efficiency and deliver the best possible return on your investment. Visit their website for a look at their services, or call (720) 810-7279 to schedule a maintenance call and request an estimate.
